Monday 24 September 2012

Highlights of ‘Intl Day of Peace & Peace Pole’

The United Nations (UN) International Day of Peace is annually held on September 21 to recognize the efforts of individuals, organizations and governments to end conflicts and promote peace in the world. This International day program was organized by the NPPC, Nihoto Village through the official communication from Administration United Nations, Information Center, New Delhi and duly permitted by deputy commissioner, Dimapur to organize the celebration on September 21.
1981-30th November: The International Associations of University Presidents at its Sixth Treinnial meeting, held at San Jose, Costa Rica, in July 1981, to propose the declaration of peace year, a peace month and a peace day. And adopted 3 Resolution- Economic, peace day & Year and International Observance.
1986: The year 1986 was declared as year of international peace by United Nation.
2000: November: Recalling its Resolution on 30th November, 1981-the UN General Assembly Officially and observed as International Day of Peace on 3rd November 2000. Reaffirming the contribution that the observance and celebration of the International Day of Peace makes in strengthening the ideals of peace and alleviating tensions and cause of conflicts.
2001- September: The UN-Gen. Assembly during its 111th Plenary meeting on 7th September- 2001, Agenda item No. 33 Resolution No.2 declares that the International Day of Peace shall henceforth be observed as a day of global ceasefire and non-violence, an invitation to all nations and people to honour a cessation of hostilities for the duration of the day.
June-2012: Mr. Ban Ki-moon, Secretary General’s Message for 100-day count down to International Day of Peace on 13th June, 2012- to the observance of the International Day of Peace, to combatants the world to put down their weapons and try to find peaceful solutions to their conflicts.
The UN has great concern for future generations-that is why this year’s theme is “Sustainable peace for a Sustainable Future”. It highlights the face that we cannot possibly think about building a sustainable future if there is no sustainable peace. As armed conflicts attack the very pillars of sustainable development, robbing people of the opportunity to develop to create jobs, to safeguard the environment, to fight poverty, to reduce the risk from disasters, to advance social; equity and to ensure that everyone has enough to eat etc.
The UN wants a future where natural resources are protected and valued rather than used to finance wars, where children can educated at school and colleges and not recruited into armies or militant activities, where economic and social inequalities are resolved through dialogue instead of violence.
What do people do?
On the IDP, people around the world take part in various activities and organized events centered on the theme “Peace” events from private gathering to public concerts and forms involving large audiences- Activities include: Interfaith Peace ceremonies, a peace pole, a toast for peace, a peace choir, lighting candles, peace prayer, a peace convoy of vehicles, and tree plantation.
What is a Peace Pole?
A peace pole is a hand -crafted monument that displays the message and prayer “May Peace Prevail on Earth”- on each of its four or six sides, usually in different languages. There are ten thousands of peace pole in 180 countries all over the world dedicated as monuments to peace. They serve as constant reminders for us to visualize and pray for world peace.

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