Monday 17 September 2012

Policy on Foreign Investment in Power Trading Exchanges

The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs has approved the proposal of the Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion for permitting foreign investment up to 49 percent, in Power Trading Exchanges.

The CCEA has decided to permit foreign investment, up to 49 percent (FDI & FII) [FDI limit of 26 per cent and FII limit of 23 per cent of the paid-up capital], in Power Trading Exchanges, in compliance with SEBI Regulations; Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Power Market) Regulations, 2010; and other applicable laws/ regulations; security and other conditionalities. FII investments would be permitted under the automatic route and FDI would be permitted under the government approval route. This is subject to the conditions that FII purchases shall be restricted to secondary market only, and no non-resident investor/ entity, including persons acting in concert, holding more than 5 percent of the equity in these companies.

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